Baby Kale
Some trends come, and some go. Some ingredients even transcend their original lot in life. What started as a salad bar decoration has become one of the “it” ingredients of the last few years. While kale’s reputation continues to grow and change, more guests enjoy its different forms. From winter to purple, one of our favorites at the end of the day is the understated baby kale. The delicate, immature version of its adult counterpart, the multiple flavors across various genus of kale runs at a milder and tender pace here. At Agri, we believe baby kale can bring nuance and a deft touch to any meal, especially as tastes run lighter through summer.
Baby Kale on the Line
Full of crunch and flavor, the baby kale makes no apology for doing its own thing. It is heartier than other lettuce neighbors but has a gentler touch than its adult versions. This means it works well raw, delicate enough to be enjoyed fresh in a baby kale salad while still standing up to bold dressings and paired ingredients. Since it’s still a member of the kale family, this also means it can hold its own against heat. Sauteed for a side or as a crispy topping for a flatbread, there is nothing small and vulnerable about this baby! Its earthy flavor is a beautiful angle on vibrant salads, while heat brings out nuttier, sweeter flavors.
Baby kale recipes abound! Due to its versatility, the possibilities are endless. Its sweeter side loves vinegar, maple syrup, apple, ginger, and fennel. Its earthiness enjoys the funk of more robust cheeses, sage, onion, and garlic. These flavor profiles combined enjoy entrees featuring white beans and other legumes, chicken, and pork, to name a few. So whether you are taking a spin on a brunch quiche special, bring an additional element to traditional fare like lasagna, or just want to crisp them up for a fun starter, there is very little this tot can’t top!
Agri baby kale and other leafy options are available now at AgriExotic! We keep a stock of what’s available for chefs at our facilities. We are available to answer questions, assist with specialty ingredients, fulfill orders, and provide fresh-cut produce services. Contact us today to see what has joined our inventory!