Buying Wholesale Produce: How to Get the Best Deals
Whether you’re a chef, a caterer, or just someone trying to stock their refrigerator, buying wholesale produce can present an unexpected challenge: feeling certain that you’re getting the best deal available without sacrificing quality. Budgeting can be tough in any situation, especially when it comes to food. From large scale restaurant environments, to simply keeping your fridge or pantry stocked with the best produce, it can be hard to make sure you’re getting the most out of every dollar. Thankfully, there are plenty of ways in today’s market to cover your back, and your wallet, when it comes to purchasing quality produce. This is our specialty as a wholesale produce provider, so we have a few tips and tricks we’re sure you’ll enjoy.
Buy Produce That’s in Season to Your Area
Buying fresh produce that’s in season for your area can really help save your assets. Buying produce that is in season helps cut down on costs you may not consider, such as the cost of shipping, say, bananas from Brazil to New Jersey. Sticking to the season will also make it easier to get a good taste of where you live, or where your restaurant operates. Every area has its unique set of fauna and flora, so it really makes a difference from where you get it. Nothing will taste more like home than what’s in season for your area.
Buy in Bulk
A common tip for anyone looking to get the best deal on produce, or anything for that matter, is to buy in bulk. A majority of the time, buying in bulk will get you the better deal. Wholesale produce suppliers typically get their large stores of stock by purchasing large quantities directly from the manufacturers or producers to avoid added costs. They also rely on warehouse space as opposed to fancy in-store options for the objects, cutting down on prices even further. Be savvy and shop smart when keeping your produce stores full.
Build a Relationship With Your Suppliers
We don’t bite! Believe it or not, how you interact with your suppliers, assuming you have the opportunity to meet them directly, can really go a long way. First impressions and a positive attitude are everything, but don’t rest on your laurels and neglect lasting impressions, too. This is a relationship, after all, and relationships are about communication, anticipating needs, and setting expectations. Fostering a friendly relationship with your fresh produce suppliers can cast you in a good light in their mind, and leave you feeling like you’re getting your produce from a trustworthy source. The more willing you are to be open to your fresh produce suppliers, the more likely they’ll help you out as time goes by.
Don’t Knock the Ugly Produce
Have you ever been to a co-op, farmer’s market, or outdoor produce market? Basically, anywhere selling produce that isn’t a grocery store. If so, there’s a good chance you came across a section of a stall’s produce supply called “ugly produce”. This is produce that hasn’t gone through the careful selection process to find the most aesthetically pleasing product. And yes, the prettiness of produce is a factor for a lot of shoppers. Thankfully, just because produce is ugly, that does not mean that it’s unusable or unsafe for consumption. And most times, because of its lower demand, sellers will sell this “ugly” produce for insane discounts. This is truly a moment to exercise the old adage: “Don’t judge a book by its cover”. The “ugly” produce is just as good as any other! Also, don’t be shy. Feel free to talk your supplier about these diamonds in the rough.
A Head Start
Make sure you get a head of the competition by starting your search at Agri Exotic. We’ll start you off in the right direction to getting great quality produce at some of the best rates around.
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